Developing a Digital Strategy – Performing Arts Nonprofits
This article is part of a library created by Harvard Business School Club of New York’s Community Partners for benefit of their nonprofit clients.
Lisa Argrette Ahmad and Jingping Zhang, Arts & Culture Advisors to Harvard Business School Club of New York's Community Partners. Ms. Ahmad is Founder & Principal of Second Wave Advisory.
Digital strategy, like others, originate with mission.
Digital strategy should evolve directly from a nonprofit’s mission statement, just as its in-person strategy does. Thinking of strategy this way enables senior executives and board members to focus their efforts given the possibilities for new digital initiatives. Instead of two distinct strategies, website hyperlinks and distinct staffs, ideally digital is a dimension of every internal operation from research to marketing to programming to fundraising.
About the Authors:
Lisa Argrette Ahmad and Jingping Zhang are strategy consultants specializing in the Arts & Culture nonprofit sector. Both are graduates of Harvard Business School (HBS) and dedicate a significant portion of their professional time to pro bono client engagements through the HBS Club of New York’s Community Partners.
Ms. Ahmad is a McKinsey & Co. alum and Founder of Second Wave Advisory, a consulting practice with expertise in re-designing strategic initiatives that embed digital expansion and programming.
Ms. Zhang is currently a Premium Propositions Lead with Spotify. She has worked with companies such as Sony Music Entertainment and CCS Fundraising.